The NSP Sonic Pro Carbon, with its recessed shape, will allow you to effortlessly link bump after bump.
The NSP Sonic is our pure open-water, downwind race board that also performs exceptionally well in crosswind and upwind conditions.
These boards are at their very best when you hit some chop or string together bump after a bump on ocean swell.
• The evolution of the Sonic focuses on increasing stability by lowering the center of gravity and adopting the tail shape of the incredibly efficient Carolina race board.
• By lowering the center of gravity riders are able to choose a more narrow board, in turn leading to an increase in speed.
• We adopted the tail shape of the Carolina, our most versatile race board. The flattish-square tail allows you to push over the bumps in the open ocean swell, while on the flats, the tail sits higher in the water, generating more planning speed.
• Inside the cockpit, exclusively in the standing area, we cut out the rails in key areas to enable a wider stance. This subtle tweak rewards riders with additional stability and more comfort. Stability allows riders to focus on winning instead of compensating, especially when riding off the back of the board.
• If you are committed to racing, improving your personal best and downwind skills; choose what our pros race and pick a 22”. For anyone else we recommend the 24.25” with the width and stability to keep you onboard and get you across the finish line early.