The Longboard P2 Soft is unlike any other board on the market!
With years of construction refinement and instructor input, The P2 is the perfect fusion of purpose-specific design and construction technology. Unlike usual softboards the P2 is a fully glassed high-quality hard board laminated with soft foam to create the most durable soft board on the market.
The P2 Soft Surf Wide is unlike any other board on the market! With years of construction refinement and instructor input The P2 is the perfect fusion of purpose specific design and construction technology. Unlike conventional softboards the P2 is a fully-glassed, high-quality hardboard laminated with a soft foam to create the most durable soft board on the market.
P2 SOFT シリーズは、EPS コアフォームをファイバーグラスでラミネートし、デッキ面にはEVA パッドを使用、ボトム面には強度と安全性を併せ持つHD SLICK を使用し、更にノーズ&テイルにバンパープロテクションを装備。いわゆるフォームボードとは一線を画し、耐久性の非常に高い高いスクール&レンタルボードだ。ワイドシリーズは持ち運びに便利なキャリーハンドルが装備されている。