The RS is the most balanced, neutral and stable freefly wing ever designed.
The control of the profile guarantees unforgettable sessions.
If you are looking for a performance freeride with comfort, long surf or downwind surf, the RS is for you.
You do not need to think about the wing, you only have to focus on your trajectory and your foil.
The RS is always well positioned, once the profile is locked, it is predictable and gives a sensational feeling of stability.
Super-efficient in pumping, the RS will make you fly early and its forward-pull lifting force will get you going in light winds.
As the wind picks up, the RS keeps pulling forward while remaining remains neutral and delivering progressive accelerations without losing speed.
The RS was not designed for experts only, it is suitable for everyone and will allow you to progress at a fast pace, giving you the confidence to improve from your first downwind surf to your first jumps.